Overview of Joining Result and Joining Trace

The following result and trace model are flexible to cover different type of joining systems.

Result and Trace instances have the required properties and references to link a result, step result and traces.


Figure 24 – Result and Trace Overview Example

Overview of Result and Traces with Sample Data

The following figure illustrates a simple example of modeling the Result and Trace. For simplicity, only a few parameters are listed in the example.


Figure 25 – Result and Traces Example with Sample Data

Result with OverallResultValues, Step Result Values and Value Tags

The following figure illustrates an example of OverallResultValues and StepResultValues for a three-step joining. Please note that most other parameters have been omitted to clarify the use of Result Values and Value Tags.

This example has three general values that is not tied to a particular step. These are MyTotalTime (the time from start to finish of the entire joining), MyTotalAngle (the angle from starts of rundown to highest achieved angle), and MyTemperature. The first two values have ValueTag = MAX to make it easier to understand that it is global maxima we are reporting. The temperature is tied to a single sampling, so it is included as a reported value without any ValueTag.

The result contains a rundown step, a simple torque step and a break step.

There are four values which contain an EXIT ValueTag, these represent the values as one step transition into the next. Two of them has a ViolationType value, meaning that they are the cause of the transition.

The last step (the break step) contains the angle and torque of the Final Torque point. Both have the FINAL ValueTag. To get hold of the FINAL values, the result consumer needs to loop through the Steps and the StepResultValues and look for the FINAL ValueTag.


Figure 26 – OverallResultValues, StepResultValues and Value Tags Example

Linking a Joining Result and Joining Trace

The following figure illustrates an example to reference a point of interest (such as Final Torque, Final Angle, etc.) to a given trace sample in two different ways based on the use cases.

The Trace model is defined to have same number of trace points for different trace samples for a given Joining trace.

The following example represents a result generated from a two-step joining program and the reference of a specific point of interest is mapped from second step result to a second step trace based on TracePointIndex.

In some use cases, a point of interest (Example: Final Torque point, etc.) could be an available value in the Trace sample array and in that case, the system can provide a specific index value in the ResultValueDataType structure using the TracePointIndex property.

In some use cases, when a given point of interest (Example: Final Angle, Final Torque, etc.) is not available in the Trace sample array, an additional property TracePointTimeOffset can be used to map the given sample using the StartTime, StartTimeOffSet (of a given step) and TracePointTimeOffSet.


Figure 27 – Result and Trace Sample Linking Example