An ExtensionObject is encoded as sequence of bytes prefixed by the NodeId of its DataTypeEncoding, the DataEncoding used and the number of bytes encoded.

An ExtensionObject may be serialized as a ByteString or an XmlElement by the application and then passed to the encoder. In this case, the encoder will be able to write the number of bytes in the object before it encodes the bytes. However, an ExtensionObject may know how to encode/decode itself which means the encoder shall calculate the number of bytes before it encodes the object or it shall be able to seek backwards in the stream and update the length after encoding the body.

When a decoder encounters an ExtensionObject it shall check if it recognizes the DataTypeEncoding identifier. If it does, then it can call the appropriate function to decode the object body. If the decoder does not recognize the type it shall use the Encoding to determine if the body is a ByteString or an XmlElement and then decode the object body or treat it as opaque data and skip over it.

If the Encoding is Binary the Body uses the OPC UA Binary DataEncoding. If the Encoding is XML the Body uses the OPC UA XML DataEncoding. Other DataEncodings may not be serialized in an ExtensionObject.

The serialized form of an ExtensionObject is shown in Table 24.

Table 24 – Extension Object Binary DataEncoding


Data Type




The identifier for the DataTypeEncoding node in the Server's AddressSpace. ExtensionObjects defined by the OPC UA specification have a numeric node identifier assigned to them with a NamespaceIndex of 0. The numeric identifiers are defined in A.3.

Decoders use this field to determine the syntax of the Body.



An enumeration that indicates how the body is encoded.

The parameter may have the following values:


No body is encoded.


The body is encoded as a ByteString.


The body is encoded as an XmlElement.



The length of the object body.

The length shall be specified if the body is encoded.



The object encoded with the DataEncoding indicated by the TypeId.

This field contains the raw bytes for ByteString bodies.

For XmlElement bodies this field contains the XML encoded as a UTF-8 string without any null terminator.

A decoder may choose to parse an XmlElement body after decoding; if an unrecoverable parsing error occurs then the decoder should try to continue processing the stream. For example, if the ExtensionObject is the body of a Variant or an element in an array that is the body of Variant then this error can be reported by setting the value of the Variant to the StatusCode Bad_DecodingError.