The sequence of Method calls necessary to execute a read file transfer transaction is illustrated in Figure C.2.


Figure C.2 – Read File Transfer Example Sequence

The read file transfer transaction is started with the Method GenerateFileForRead defined by the TemporaryFileTransferType. After a successful call of this Method, the Client reads the file content by calling the Method Read defined by the FileType until the whole file is transferred from the Server to the Client. The transaction is completed by calling the Method Close defined by the FileType.

The sequence of Method calls necessary to execute a write file transfer transaction is illustrated in Figure C.3.


Figure C.3 – Write File Transfer Example Sequence

The write file transfer transaction is started with the Method StartWriteTransfer defined by the TemporaryFileTransferType. After a successful call of this Method, the Client writes the file content by calling the Method Write defined by the FileType until the whole file is transferred from the Client to the Server. The transaction is completed by calling the Method CloseAndCommit defined by the TemporaryFileTransferType. If the Client wants to abort the operation it uses the Close Method of the temporary FileType Object.