OPC 10000-17: UA Part 17: Alias Names
Released 1.04 (Replaced by 1.05.04)
This document is subject to the license terms described here.
The general OPC Foundation specification license agreement also applies and can be found here.
This document is a copy of the original which can be found here.
This document defines nodes in the following nodesets:
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and abbreviated terms
1.1 Terms
1.1.1 AliasName
1.2 Abbreviated terms
4 Use cases
1.3 Complex configuration
1.4 Automatic reconfiguration
1.5 Cloud based system
1.6 Aggregated systems
5 AliasNames Information Model overview
6 OPC UA ObjectTypes
1.7 Overview
1.8 AliasNameType ObjectType Definition
1.9 AliasNameCategoryType ObjectType Definition
1.9.1 Definition
1.9.2 FindAlias Method
7 OPC UA DataTypes
1.10 Overview
1.11 AliasNameDataType
8 Reference Types
1.12 Overview
1.13 AliasFor ReferenceType
9 Instances
1.14 Overview
1.15 Aliases
1.16 TagVariables
1.17 Topics
Annex A (informative): Examples
A.1 Overview
A.2 AliasNames used within a single Server
A.3 AliasNames in an aggregating Server
A.4 Standalone AliasNames Server
A.5 Aggregating Server with a collection of Aggregates
A.7 Client use of an AliasName Server
Annex B GDS functionality (normative)
B.1 Overview
B.2 Register a Server
B.3 Unregister a Server
B.4 Disconnect between a Client and an AliasName Server