In general, all rules on subtyping apply for StateMachine types as well. Some additional rules apply for StateMachine types.

States and Transitions are not instantiated, this information is only provided on the ObjectType. They have no ModellingRule, and thus, also the inheritance of States and Transitions is not defined. Therefore, the following rules apply for subtyping StateMachines. Each State and Transition defined on the supertype shall be available on the subtype as well. That is, for each State defined on the supertype another Node of the same ObjectType having the same BrowseName and the same StateNumber shall be defined on the subtype. For each Transition defined on the supertype another Node of the same ObjectType having the same BrowseName and the same TransitionNumber shall be defined on the subtype. All references defining the StateMachine (HasCause, HasEffect, FromState, ToState, HasSubStateMachine, HasGuard) shall be replicated in the subtype as well. If InstanceDeclarations are referenced (e.g., Methods used to trigger Transitions) either the InstanceDeclaration of the supertype is referenced or the InstanceDeclaration is overridden, and in the latter case the overridden InstanceDeclaration of the subtype shall be referenced.

If a StateMachine type is not abstract, subtypes of it shall not change the behaviour of it. That means, that in this case a subtype shall not add States and it shall not add Transitions between its States. However, a subtype may add SubStateMachines, it may add Transitions from the States to the States of the SubStateMachine, and it may add Causes and Effects to a Transition. In addition, a subtype of a StateMachine type shall not remove States or Transitions.