This Method closes the file and applies the changes to the PubSub configuration as defined in the ConfigurationReferences argument. It can only be called if the file was opened for writing. If the Close Method is called any cached data is discarded and the PubSub configuration is not changed.
The file content shall be a UABinaryFileDataType with a PubSubConfiguration2DataType as Body. The ConfigurationReferences argument specifies the configuration elements to add, modify or remove. Configuration elements in PubSubConfiguration2DataType that are not referenced by ConfigurationReferences may be used indirectly as parent elements for referencing. In this case only the name of the element is relevant and all other fields of the element are ignored. Configuration elements in PubSubConfiguration2DataType not referenced and not used as parent elements are ignored.
Remove element operations shall be processed before any other operations are processed. The PubSubConfiguration2DataType may contain duplicate names for cases where elements are removed and added with the same name.
The top-level fields in the PubSubConfiguration2DataType are not referenced in ConfigurationReferences argument. Most of them are only relevant for the read case.
- The Enable field is ignored.
- The DataSetClasses field is ignored.
- The DefaultSecurityKeyServices field is ignored if the array is null or empty. If the array contains entries, the existing DefaultSecurityKeyServices are replaced with the new configuration.
- The ConfigurationVersion field is ignored. The ConfigurationVersion is updated to the current time after successful execution of CloseAndUpdate.
- The ConfigurationProperties field is merged with the existing ConfigurationProperties. If a key is provided with a value, the key is either inserted or it replaces the value of an existing key. If a key is provided with a null value, the key is deleted if it exists.
The Client shall be authorized to modify the configuration for the PubSub functionality when invoking this Method on the Server.
CloseAndUpdate (
[in]UInt32 FileHandle,
[in]Boolean RequireCompleteUpdate,
[out]Boolean ChangesApplied,
[out]StatusCode[] ReferencesResults,
[out]PubSubConfigurationValueDataType[] ConfigurationValues,
[out]NodeId[] ConfigurationObjects
Argument |
Description |
FileHandle |
The handle of the previously opened file. |
RequireCompleteUpdate |
If true, the modification is only applied if the all changes can be applied to all objects. |
ConfigurationReferences |
References to the PubSub configuration elements in the written file that should be added, modified or removed. |
ChangesApplied |
If true, one or more changes were applied. If RequireCompleteUpdate was set to false, the ReferencesResults argument indicates if referenced configuration elements failed. If false, no changes were applied. The detailed errors are provided in the ReferencesResults argument. |
ReferencesResults |
Results of the add, modify, match or remove operation for the referenced element. The length and order of the array shall match the ConfigurationReferences array. |
ConfigurationValues |
The assigned names and identifiers for the elements where empty names or null identifiers where provided in the elements. The values are only provided for elements with the bits ElementAdd or ElementMatch set and where a name and identifier was assigned. |
ConfigurationObjects |
NodeIds of the related Objects to referenced If NodeIds are returned, the length and order of the array shall match the ConfigurationReferences array. If the Server does not support the creation of NodeIds, the array is null or empty. |
Method Result Codes
ResultCode |
Description |
Bad_TypeMismatch |
The file content is not a UABinaryFileDataType with a PubSubConfiguration2DataType as Body. |
Bad_InvalidArgument |
The file handle is not valid. |
Bad_InvalidState |
The file was not opened for writer access. |
Bad_UserAccessDenied |
The Session user is not allowed to modify the PubSub configuration. |
Bad_NothingToDo |
The ConfigurationReferences array is null or empty. |
Element Result Codes
ResultCode |
Description |
Bad_BrowseNameDuplicated |
An element with the name already exists. The element cannot be added. |
Bad_NoMatch |
An element with the name does not exist or there is no element with matching parameters. The element cannot be matched, modified or removed. |
Bad_NotFound |
One of the parent elements does not exist or was not added or matched. The element cannot be processed. |
Bad_InvalidArgument |
The element reference is invalid or has invalid index entries. |
Bad_ResourceUnavailable |
The maximum number of supported elements is reached. |
Bad_InvalidState |
A WriterGroup with active GroupHeader was references with ElementMatch. |
Bad_UserAccessDenied |
The user has not the rights to access the element. |
Table 246 specifies the AddressSpace representation for the CloseAndUpdate Method.
Table 246 – CloseAndUpdate Method AddressSpace definition
Attribute |
Value |
BrowseName |
CloseAndUpdate |
References |
NodeClass |
BrowseName |
DataType |
TypeDefinition |
ModellingRule |
HasProperty |
Variable |
InputArguments |
Argument[] |
PropertyType |
Mandatory |
HasProperty |
Variable |
OutputArguments |
Argument[] |
PropertyType |
Mandatory |
ConformanceUnits |
PubSub Model Base |