The base interface concept of the AutoID information model shown in Figure 4 supports two different communication procedures. One procedure is to trigger the scan from an OPC UA client and the other procedure is that the AutoID Device sends a scan event whenever the AutoID Device detected a tag or code.

The AutoIdDeviceType provides the method Scan to trigger a scan and to return the scan result with the Method response. In addition the ScanStart provides a way to start the scan but to receive the scan result through an AutoIdScanEventType.

The AutoIdScanEventType defines the information provided with a scan event and it is either triggered through a ScanStart Method call or through the AutoID Device itself.


Figure 4 – AutoID base model

The following Figure 5 provides an overview of the concrete types for the different AutoID reader device types and the corresponding scan event types. They define the AutoID Device type specific semantic of the method parameters and event fields. The AutoID Device types are derived from the DeviceType defined in OPC 10000-100.


Figure 5 – AutoID type overview