AnalyserChannel_OperatingModeSubStateMachineType is a subtype of FiniteStateMachineType. The states are derived from the ANSI/ISA TR 88.02-2008 Machine and Unit States Technical Report [ISA-88 TR], which in turn were derived from the OMAC PackML tag definition set and the ANSI/ISA 88 Part 1 standard.
Figure 19 - AnalyserChannel_OperatingModeSubStateMachineType
When the AnalyserChannel is suspended or held:
- The normal Execute state is interrupted
- The actual Execute sub-state information shall be kept
When returning from Suspended or Held state:
- The restart point in Execute state shall be the junction point driven by the SelectExecutionCycle
- All sub-states shall be executed, but the vendor may use the information stored at the interruption point to optimize the execution of some sub-states.