AnalyserChannelStateMachineType is a subtype of FiniteStateMachineType. The states are derived from the ANSI/ISA TR 88.02-2008 Machine and Unit States Technical Report [ISA-88 TR], which in turn were derived from the OMAC PackML tag definition set and the ANSI/ISA 88 Part 1 standard [ISA-88].

AnalyserChannelStateMachineType contains a nested state model that defines the top level states Operating, Local and Maintenance (called Modes in [ISA-88 TR] and OMAC) and the Operating sub-states of a device.


Figure 18 - AnalyserChannelStateMachine

The SlaveMode state is where the AnalyserChannel stays when its parent AnalyserDevice is in Local or Maintenance mode. In this context, the AnalyserDevice has the absolute control over all of its AnalyserChannels.

The Local button refers to a Local button on a given analyser channel for symmetry with the analyser device.