A modular scale device is represented by a (subtype of) ScaleDeviceType or ScaleSystemType that is composed of a top-device and a set of subdevices (modules). It uses the modular devices concept of OPC UA Companion Specification for Devices (see OPC 10000-100 9.2). The modules (subdevices) of modular scale devices are aggregated in the SubDevices Object . The SupportedTypes folder for SubDevices is used to maintain the set modules that can be added to the ScaleDevice or scale system(see Figure 11).


Figure 11 – Modular scale devices and scale systems

This Companion Specification defines the following supported types (including the subtypes) for the ScaleDeviceType:

This Companion Specification defines the following supported type (including the subtypes) for the ScaleSystemType:

  • ScaleDeviceType

The SupportedTypes folder may only refer to a subset of all possible subdevices for the modular device. Other vendor-specific modules or modules of other Companion Specifications can be defined. For more details of the concepte see OPC 10000-100.