This DataType is an enumeration that defines the equipment element levels defined in ISA-95. Its values are defined in a below table.

Note: for enumeration DataTypes it is recommended that variables that use the enumeration also expose the EnumStrings property. This property allows a client to easily translate the enumeration (integer value) to a string for display (see OPC 10000-3).

Table 36 – ISA95EquipmentElementLevelEnum Values




An enterprise is a collection of sites and areas and represents the top level of a role based equipment hierarchy.


A site is a physical, geographical, or logical grouping determined by the enterprise. It may contain areas, production lines, process cells, and production units.


An area is a physical, geographical, or logical grouping determined by the site. It may contain work centres such as process cells, production units, production lines, and storage zones.


Process cells are the low level of equipment typically scheduled by the Level 4 and Level 3 functions for batch manufacturing processes. The definitions for process cells are contained in IEC 61512-1.


Units are low level of equipment typically scheduled by the Level 4 and Level 3 functions for batch manufacturing processes and continuous manufacturing processes. The definition of the unit for batch manufacturing processes is contained in IEC 61512-1.


Production lines are low levels of equipment typically scheduled by the Level 4 or Level 3 functions for discrete manufacturing processes.


Work cells are low levels of equipment typically scheduled by the Level 4 or Level 3 functions for discrete manufacturing processes.


Production units are the lowest level of equipment typically scheduled by the Level 4 or Level 3 functions for continuous manufacturing processes.


Storage zones are low level of material movement equipment typically scheduled by the Level 4 and Level 3 functions for discrete, batch and continuous manufacturing processes.


Storage units are low level of material movement equipment typically scheduled by the Level 4 and Level 3 functions for discrete, batch and continuous manufacturing processes.


Work centres are typically the grouping of equipment scheduled by the Level 4 or Level 3 functions.


A work unit is any element of the equipment hierarchy under a work centre. Work units are the lowest form of elements in an equipment hierarchy that are typically scheduled by Level 3 functions.


An equipment module entity is an engineered subdivision of a process cell, a unit, or another equipment module. The definition of the equipment module is contained in IEC 61512-1.


A control module entity is an engineered subdivision of a process cell, a unit, an equipment module, or another control module. The definition of the equipment module is contained in IEC 61512-1.


The types of work centres may be extended when required for application specific role based equipment hierarchies where the defined types do not apply. In that case, the equipment element level shall be specified as this value, and actual value that identifies the level shall be specified by OtherValue Property of ISAHierarchyScopeType defined in 7.4.1. When a new type is added it shall maintain the same relationship within the hierarchy as the defined work centre types (within an area and contains work units).

Its representation in the OPC UA AddressSpace is defined in a below table.

Table 37 – ISA95EquipmentElementLevelEnum Definition



