A piece of hardware and/or software which has a value for the user. In the scope of this document assets can discover properties like vendor, version or installation information by means of defined PROFINET services.
Startup Parameters
Device specific parameters which are set by the end user in the engineering system of the PLC. The parameter layout is described in the GSD file of the device. The configured values are transferred to the device during startup.
The portion of the application specific device identification which defines the application specific function of an asset. The Tag Function is given during the planning phase of a plant e.g. by ECAD engineering tools. The specific usage of Tag-Function is defined by the OEM.
The portion of the application specific device identification which defines the application specific location of an asset. Usually the TAG-Location is unique inside of a whole plant or OEM company. The Tag-Location is given during the planning phase of a plant e.g. by ECAD engineering tools. The specific usage of Tag-Location is defined by the OEM.
Edge Gateway
A physical device with one interface to the cell and an OPC UA interface to the factory.