The definition of the objects in the previous paragraphs enables the generic access to POWERLINK Objects from the POWERLINK Communication Profiles EPSG DS 301 and EPSG DS 302. Without an extension of the Information Model the access to vendor- or profile-specific POWERLINK Objects would be only possible through the SDO Services defined in 6.2.A client would not be able to create MonitoredItems and Subscriptions to vendor-specific objects since they would not have an individual NodeId.
One way to generate individual NodeIds is to convert the vendor specific device description from POWERLINK into an OPC UA Information Model and to deploy the models of all involved POWERLINK Devices to the OPC UA Server. This might be feasible for Servers that run on the POWERLINK Device itself and represent only their own device.
This paragraph defines another, more generic way to provide individual NodeIds for random objects in a POWERLINK Object Dictionary.
For this generic access the Namespace ‘’ is used.