This section defines the corresponding ConformanceUnits for the OPC UA Information Model for Machine Tools.

Table 114 – ConformanceUnits for Machine Tools





MachineTool MachineToolType Mandatory Nodes

All nodes declared as mandatory in the MachineToolType are available in the AddressSpace. The nodes declared as optional may be included in the AddressSpace.


MachineTool Monitoring Basic - Stacklight

All available stacklights on the machine tool are modelled in the AddressSpace using the BasicStacklightType.


MachineTool Monitoring Basic - PowerOnDuration

The Variable PowerOnDuration is available in the AddressSpace.


MachineTool Monitoring Basic - Channels

All available channels on the machine tool are modelled using the ChannelMonitoringType or CombinedChannelMonitoringType and all its mandatory subcomponents. The channels can optionally include the optional subcomponents.


MachineTool Production Basic

The ProductionActiveProgramType is available in the AddressSpace as a Component of the Production Node in the MachineToolType. This node has to include all mandatory components of the ProductionActiveProgramType and may include the optional components. The StateMachine of the ProductionActiveProgramType does not have to send out TransitionEvents. The ProductionActiveProgramType shall relate to the correct job, if a job is modelled in the ProductionPlan Node.


MachineTool Identification SoftwareInformation

All nodes declared as mandatory in the SoftwareIdentificationType are available in the AddressSpace. The nodes declared as optional may be included in the AddressSpace.


MachineTool Identification Machinery additional

The Properties ComponentName, Model, YearOfConstruction, MonthOfConstruction and DeviceClass shall be available in the Identification node of MachineryItemIdentificationType. They are used as defined in the MachineIdentificationType in OPC 40001-1.


MachineTool Monitoring WorkingUnit

All elements fitting the WorkingUnitMonitoringType subtypes defined in this specification physically available on the machine tool are modelled in the AddressSpace using the respective subtypes of the WorkingUnitMonitoringType.


MachineTool Equipment ToolIdentification

The Tools component of the EquipmentType is available in the AddressSpace and contains a list of all physically available tools in the machine tool.


MachineTool Equipment Dynamic Tool List

In the Tools List, BaseToolType subtype nodes are added/deleted during runtime by the underlying logic of the server. The NodeVersion attribute of Tools is available and the GeneralModelChangeEvent is sent every time the node structure changes.


MachineTool Notification – Errors and Alerts

All errors and warnings shown to the machine operator by the machine tool shall be sent via the MachineTool interface. This shall happen using the EventType defined by this specification fitting the best or a subtype of it. The EventNotifier shall be the Messages Object of the MonitoringType, this Object shall be present in the AddressSpace.


MachineTool Production Job

The ProductionPlan Node is available in the AddressSpace. At least one ProductionJobType instance is available in the AddressSpace as a Component of the ProductionPlan Node in the MachineToolType. This node has to include all mandatory components of the ProductionJobType and may include the optional components.


MachineTool Production LastTransition

The Component LastTransition of the ProductionStateMachineType and their derived types is available in all instances as specified in this CS.


MachineTool Production ProductionJobStateMachineType

The ProductionJobTransitionEventType shall be sent for each transition of the ProductionJobStateMachineType.


MachineTool Production ProductionProgramStateMachineType

The ProductionProgramTransitionEventType shall be sent for each transition of the ProductionProgramStateMachineType.


MachineTool Production ProductionPartStateMachineType

The ProductionPartTransitionEventType shall be sent for each transition of the ProductionPartStateMachineType.


MachineTool Production InterruptionConditionType

For all interruptions of the production job where a reason is known to the machine tool, the InterruptionConditionType shall be sent. It is sent by the instance node of the ProductionJobType where the interruption occurred. The Properties ConditionClassId and ConditionClassName are set to the BaseConditionClassType subtype fitting the best to the reason for the interruption.


MachineTool Equipment ToolLife

The Component ToolLife has to be present for every tool. Within ToolLife, at least one ToolLifeEntry has to be provided.


MachineTool PrognosisType

The Notification component of the MachineToolType shall contain the Prognoses object.

The PrognosisType 8.6.4 is the most basic prognosis type and the supertype to more specific prognosis types. At least one of the PrognosisType subtypes defined in this specification is required for the Prognoses Facet. If the respective prognosis can be given, it shall be referenced as a component by the Prognoses Object in the Notification component of the MachineToolType.

If the PrognosisType subtype refers to a node in the AddressSpace via a NodeId and the respective node exists in the AddressSpace, the respective Component of the PrognosisType shall be present.


MachineTool Prognoses Dynamic List

In the Prognoses List, PrognosisType nodes are added/deleted during runtime by the underlying logic of the server. The NodeVersion attribute of Prognoses is available and the GeneralModelChangeEvent is sent every time the node structure changes.


MachineTool Production Dynamic Job List

The ProductionPlan Node is available in the AddressSpace. In the ProductionPlan, ProductionJobType nodes are added/deleted during runtime by the underlying logic of the server. The NodeVersion attribute of the ProductionPlan is available and the GeneralModelChangeEvent is sent every time the node structure changes.


MachineTool Production Job Available

Either the CU Machine Tool Production Job or the CU MachineTool Production Dynamic Job List shall be supported.


MachineTool Monitor Items Min

Supports to monitor all exposed instances of Variables and Objects that have the EventNotifier set, that are defined in the MachineTool specification in a Subscription. The server should support at least 20 MonitoredItems for at least one Subscription and one Session. The server may set the revisedPublishingInterval as appropriate.


MachineTool Monitor Items

Supports to monitor all exposed instances of Variables and Objects that have the EventNotifier set, that are defined in the MachineTool specification in a Subscription. The resulting maximum number of possible MonitoredItems has to be supported for at least half (at least one) of the required Subscriptions for half (at least one) of the required Sessions. The server may set the revisedPublishingInterval as appropriate.


MachineTool Event Propagation

When Events are generated by a node, all nodes connected with inverse hierarchical References that have SubscribeToEvents set in the EventNotifier Attribute, shall also generate the Event. This propagates over all inverse hierarchical References up to the instance of MachineToolType.

Each instance of MachineToolType shall have SubscribeToEvents set in the EventNotifier Attribute and thus propagate all Events generated by nodes aggregated by this instance.


MachineTool Event Tools

All instances of ToolListType shall have SubscribeToEvents set in the EventNotifier Attribute.


MachineTool Event Production

All instances of ProductionStateMachine and its subtypes, ProductionJobType and ProductionJobListType shall have SubscribeToEvents set in the EventNotifier Attribute.


MachineTool Event Messages

The Messages node shall have SubscribeToEvents set in the EventNotifier Attribute.


MachineTool Event Prognoses

All instances of PrognosisListType shall have SubscribeToEvents set in the EventNotifier Attribute.


MachineTool Monitoring Obligation

Instances of MachineToolType shall provide the component Obligation of ObligationType. This is provided via HasComponent Reference in the MachineOperationMonitoringType.


MachineTool Production PartsProducedInLifetime

Instances of MachineToolType shall provide the component PartsProducedInLifetime. This is provided via HasComponent Reference in the ProductionStatisticsType.

The instance Statistics of ProductionStatisticsType shall be available in the ProductionType.


MachineTool Production Simple Parts Monitoring

Instances of MachineToolType shall provide the components PartsCompleted and PartsGood in each instance of the ProductionJobType.

If individual Parts are modelled, this counter shall be identical to the number of PartType instances with PartQuality set to Good, CapabilityUnavailable or WillNotBeMeasured.


MachineTool Monitoring MaintenanceMode

Instances of MachineToolType shall provide the SubStateMachine Maintenance (MaintenanceModeStateMachineType) of the MachineryOperationMode.


MachineTool Components

Supports the 3:MachineComponentsType for all machines managed by the Server, each one referencing the exposed components of the corresponding machine. Each instance of MachineToolType shall reference an instance of MachineComponentsType or a subtype using the DefaultInstanceBrowseName with a Reference of HasAddIn or a subtype.