The method SystemCommand executes an IO-Link SystemCommand as defined in IO-Link Specification.

IO-Link SystemCommands shall be executed by an ISDU write request on Index 0x0002, or, in case ISDUs are not supported, via a write on Index 0x0F on Direct Parameter Page 1.


SystemCommand (

[in]Byte Cmd,

[out]UInt16 ErrorType,

[out]Int32 Status





Index of the SystemCommand


Hex Values converted to UInt16 returned as ErrorType in case the operation was not successful. Data needs to be interpreted according to the IO-Link Specification. 0 if the operation was successful.

Note that in case the device supports no ISDUs and the SystemCommand is triggered via writing Parameter Page 1, no indication of a positive or negative response is provided and the ErrorType is always 0.

Note that the SystemCommand is optional. In case the IO-Link Device does not support it, the ErrorType returned by the IO-Link Device shall be returned.


Returns the status of the operation.

0: OK, operation successful

-1: Operation already running, either by same or different ISDU read or write

-2: Device not active, either device not connected, not in operation mode or port is configured not to be in IO-Link mode

-3: Operation executed but error code returned from device, details are provided in ErrorType