OPC 40082-2: PlasticsRubber - Peripheral devices - HotRunner
Released 1.00
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The general OPC Foundation specification license agreement also applies and can be found here.
This document is a copy of the original which can be found here.
This document defines nodes in the following nodesets:
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions and conventions
3.1 Overview
3.2 Conventions used in this document
3.3 Abbreviations
4 General information to OPC UA interfaces for plastics and rubber machinery and OPC UA
5 Use cases
6 HRD_InterfaceType
6.1 HRD_InterfaceType Definition
6.2 DisplayLanguage
7 Identification
8 MachineConfiguration
9 OperationType
9.1 DeviceMappingNumber
9.2 IdentifyDevice
9.3 HighestActiveAlarmSeverity
9.4 ActiveErrors
9.5 ResetAllErrors
9.6 ResetErrorById
9.7 EnablePower
9.8 ActiveSetValues
9.9 ReactionOnDisconnect, SessionNameForReactionOnDisconnect, SetReactionOnDisconnect
9.10 EvenHeatUpMaxTemperatureDifference
10 Zones
11 Diagnostics
12 MaintenanceInformation
13 ZoneType
13.1 Name
13.2 HighestActiveAlarmSeverity
13.3 ThermocoupleType and CommunicationProtocolType
13.4 Temperature
13.5 Controller
13.6 HeatUp
13.7 TemperatureRiseMonitoring
14 HRDTemperatureType
15 ControllerType
15.1 SetValueActive
15.2 ActualValueActive
15.3 SetValueType / ActualType
15.4 UpperOutput
15.5 LowerOutput
15.6 OutputTime
15.7 ReferenceZone
15.8 AutomaticReferenceZoneSelection
15.9 SetValueManualOutput
15.10 ActualOutput
15.11 AverageControllerOutput
15.12 LoadCurrent
15.13 LoadPower
15.14 UpperSetValueCascade
16 HeatUpType
16.1 ManualOutputLimitActive
16.2 SetValueManualOutputLimit
16.3 SetValueTemperature
16.4 EvenHeatUpEnabled
16.5 RelayHeatingGroup
16.6 RelayHeatingTime
17 TemperatureRiseMonitoringType
17.1 SetValueActive
17.2 ErrorDetected
17.3 SupervisionTime
17.4 SetValueTemperatureChange
18 Alarm management
18.1 General
18.2 ZoneAlarmType
19 Profiles and Conformance Units
20 Namespaces
20.1 Namespace Metadata
20.2 Handling of OPC UA Namespaces
Annex A (normative)OPC 40082-2 Namespace and mappings