OPC 40501-1: Machine Tools - Monitoring and Job Overview

Released 1.00.0 (Replaced by 1.02.0)


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This document is a copy of the original which can be found here.

1 Scope 1.1 Scope of this Companion Specification 1.2 Organizations 2 Normative references 3 Terms, abbreviated terms and conventions 3.1 Overview 3.2 OPC UA for Machine Tools terms 3.2.1 Alert 3.2.2 Channel 3.2.3 Controller 3.2.4 Machine Tool 3.2.5 Manual Tool Change 3.2.6 Multitool 3.2.7 Part 3.2.8 Production Plan 3.2.9 Job 3.2.11 Program 3.2.12 Replacement Tool 3.2.13 Stacklight 3.2.14 Tool 3.2.15 Utility 3.3 Abbreviated terms 3.4 Conventions used in this document 3.4.1 Conventions for Node descriptions 3.4.2 NodeIds and BrowseNames NodeIds BrowseNames 3.4.3 Common Attributes General Objects Variables VariableTypes Methods 4 General Information to Machine Tools and OPC UA 4.1 Introduction to Machine Tools 4.2 Introduction to OPC Unified Architecture 4.2.1 What is OPC UA? 4.2.2 Basics of OPC UA 4.2.3 Information modelling in OPC UA Concepts Namespaces Companion Specifications 5 Use Cases 5.1 Identify Machines of Different Manufacturers 5.2 Overview if Production is Running 5.3 Overview of Parts in a Job 5.4 Overview of Runtimes for a Job 5.5 Overview of Machine Tool State 5.6 Overview of Upcoming Manual Activities 5.7 Overview of Errors and Warnings 5.8 Providing Data for KPI Calculations 5.9 Providing an Overview of Tool Data 6 Machine Tools Information Model Overview 7 General Recommendations for Implementation 7.1 Localization 7.2 Extending the Specification 7.3 GeneralModelChangeEvent and NodeVersion 8 OPC UA ObjectTypes 8.1 MachineToolType 8.2 Identification 8.2.1 MachineToolIdentificationType 8.2.2 SoftwareIdentificationType 8.3 Monitoring 8.3.1 MonitoringType 8.3.2 ElementMonitoringType 8.3.3 WorkingUnitMonitoringType 8.3.4 LaserMonitoringType 8.3.5 EDMGeneratorMonitoringType 8.3.6 SpindleMonitoringType 8.3.7 ChannelMonitoringType 8.3.8 CombinedChannelMonitoringType 8.3.9 MachineOperationMonitoringType 8.3.10 ChannelModifierType 8.4 Production 8.4.1 ProductionType 8.4.2 ProductionJobListType 8.4.3 ProductionJobType 8.4.4 ProductionProgramType 8.4.5 ProductionActiveProgramType 8.4.6 ProductionPartSetType 8.4.7 ProductionPartType 8.4.8 ProductionStateMachineType 8.4.9 ProductionJobStateMachineType 8.4.10 ProductionProgramStateMachineType 8.4.11 ProductionPartStateMachineType 8.4.12 ProductionStatisticsType 8.5 Equipment 8.5.1 EquipmentType 8.5.2 ToolListType 8.5.3 BaseToolType 8.5.4 ToolType 8.5.5 MultiToolType 8.6 Notification 8.6.1 NotificationType 8.6.2 MessagesType 8.6.3 PrognosisListType 8.6.4 PrognosisType 8.6.5 MaintenancePrognosisType 8.6.6 ManualActivityPrognosisType 8.6.7 PartLoadPrognosisType 8.6.8 PartUnloadPrognosisType 8.6.9 ProcessChangeoverPrognosisType 8.6.10 ProductionJobEndPrognosisType 8.6.11 ToolChangePrognosisType 8.6.12 ToolLoadPrognosisType 8.6.13 ToolUnloadPrognosisType 8.6.14 UtilityChangePrognosisType 9 OPC UA EventTypes 9.1 AlertType 9.2 InterruptionConditionType 9.3 NotificationEventType 9.4 ProductionJobTransitionEventType 9.5 ProductionPartTransitionEventType 9.6 ProductionProgramTransitionEventType 10 OPC UA ConditionClassTypes 10.1 OperatorConditionClassType 10.2 UtilityConditionClassType 10.3 ClampingConditionClassType 10.4 ManualProcessStepConditionClassType 10.5 MeasurementConditionClassType 10.6 PartMissingConditionClassType 10.7 ProcessIrregularityConditionClassType 10.8 ToolBreakageConditionClassType 10.9 ToolChangeConditionClassType 11 OPC UA VariableTypes 11.1 ToolLifeType 12 OPC UA DataTypes 12.1 ChannelState 12.2 ChannelMode 12.3 EDMGeneratorState 12.4 LaserState 12.5 MachineOperationMode 12.6 PartQuality 12.7 ProcessIrregularity 12.8 ToolLifeIndication 12.9 ToolLocked 12.10 ToolManagement 13 Finding Machine Tools in a Server 14 Profiles and ConformanceUnits 14.1 ConformanceUnits 14.2 Profiles 14.2.1 Profile list 14.2.2 Server Facets and Profiles Overview MachineTool Basic Server Profile MachineTool Basic Secure Server Profile MachineTool Monitoring Server Facet MachineTool Tools Server Facet MachineTool Tool Life Server Facet MachineTool Production Server Facet MachineTool Production Plan Server Facet MachineTool Errors and Alerts Server Facet MachineTool Prognoses Server Facet 15 Namespaces 15.1 Namespace Metadata 15.2 Handling of OPC UA Namespaces Annex A (normative)→OPC UA for MachineTools Namespace and mappings A.1 Namespace and identifiers for MachineTool Information Model